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Awareness Through Movement

Feldenkrais Method
classes and workshops

Both live and online!

Movement puzzles for organic learning

Each class presents you with a moving puzzle. Large movements are broken down into small manageable steps and you are guided through them verbally

You’ll rarely be shown how to do a movement. It is the process of paying attention to yourself as you move that we are practicing. My job is to continually adapt my instructions so that everyone comes through the progression without feeling any pressure to succeed at anything in particular.

You get the opportunity to bring your attention to yourself as you move and drop into your inner world of sensation.

You’ll be presented with different ways to combine the ingredients for a particular movement. You choose how to do that yourself, guided by your own inner sense of what feels most comfortable and easy.

Learning something new in a group class can be an especially powerful experience since we find it for ourselves, a feeling like we had as a young children.

Movement is life; without movement life is unthinkable

Moshe Feldenkrais

Ongoing classes in Vienna

at RAUM für TANZ

Neubaugasse 31, Stiege 2 im Hof, 1070 Wien
16.45-17.45pm Tuesday evenings beginning 7th September

An ongoing program of Feldenkrais classes that you can join anytime. The overall emphasis is on developing the quality of inner composure. How to move through life with dignity, integrity and grace, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty.

Fifteen-class Semester Schedule
September 2021 to January 2022

7th, 14th, 21st September
5th, 19th October
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November
14th, 21st December
4th, 11th 18th January

Drop-in for single classes or buy a five-card pass. Better still, join for the whole semester and you’ll also receive mp3 recordings of all the classes. Listen to them in your own time if you miss a class or simply feel like repeating one again.

No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function

Moshe Feldenkrais

Online Zoom Classes

Developing Inner Composure #9:
Getting Centered

6pm-7.15pm on Wednesday evenings
Series 9 – 20th October to 24th November 2021

Being “centered” sounds great of course, but what does it actually mean? More to the point, how could it feel?

In this series, we’ll discover that the term can be used in a number of different ways. We’ll explore a few different varieties centering and how we might develop them as a resource for our lives.

Developing Inner Composure

An ongoing program of Feldenkrais classes that you can join anytime. The overall emphasis is on developing the quality of inner composure. How to move through life with dignity, integrity and grace, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty.

Moshe Feldenkrais created his method to support people to grow themselves beyond the limitations of what they learn in their childhood and youth. His work offers a practice of lifelong learning through attending to the gaps between our intentions and actions.

Rooted in the martial arts, the method brings forth in ourselves the essential quality of presence developed though the study of the martial arts. It aims to bring this essence to a much wider audience without the need of rigorous combative training.

Booking and payment

Includes mp3 recordings – Discounts available for those in need

Future Series

Series 10 – 8th December to 8th January 2021 (with a Xmas break!)

Past Series

Visit the Class Recordings Library for access to previous series

We have more experience of movement and more capacity for it than of feeling and thought

Moshe Feldenkrais

Are you interested in other movement classes that I teach?

No matter what I’m teaching, the Feldenkrais Method is the basis of my approach to and thinking about learning and teaching

Visit my main site at for a range of movement, dance and experiential anatomy classes and workshops for movement professionals and the general public

Vienna, Austria
Extended Mind Practices : Towards Radical Calmness
Dance and movement workshop : Vienna 20th/21st November 2021

What if we’ve got that mind-body relationship thing the wrong way around? What if it’s not the mind that lives in the body but the body that lives in the mind?… read more